Thursday, 29 October 2015

The myth of overgyming

Some people will tell me they train chest on Monday, arms on Tuesday, legs on Wednesday, back on Thursday, andshoulders on Friday and then take the weekends off. Not to mention, they will perform about 25 sets to failure on each body part they train. That's about 23 more sets to failure then what I do for each muscle group that I train.
I notice these same individuals always going through the motions week after week, month after month, lifting the same weights or even lighter weights then what they could before and their physiques staying mostly the same if not less muscular then what they were before. As time goes on I notice the intensity levels of these individuals diminishing to the point where they appear to be going through their training regimens like spaced out zombies moping from exercise to exercise, grunting and groaning, trying to tap into energy that isn't there.
It kind of reminds me of the movie The Night Of the Living Dead. The zombies in that movie were very persistent trying to get a hold of their victims but then suddenly someone hits them once and they drop like Brett Michaels did when he was clothes-lined by a drop down door on stage at the 2009 Tony Awards! This is what can happen when the stress of overtraining comes to a hea

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