Thursday, 29 October 2015

How to train for 800m races!

The 800m is more anaerobic than most endurance runners think.  In order to maximize one’s anaerobic capabilities they will need workouts to increase the capacity of their anaerobic energy system.   The anaerobic capacity workouts are designed to expand the anaerobic energy system and enable an 800m athlete to build a good foundation for improving their anaerobic power.
Below is a list of a few 800m anaerobic capacity workouts you can try to help train the Anaerobic Glycolytic energy system. If you are not sure when to do these workouts or if you would like to follow a training schedule, check out my 12 week 400m/800m training program.
IMPORTANT: If you are a high school or college 800 meter athlete and try to run these 800m workouts at a faster/slower pace, run further/shorter than the prescribed distance, and/or cut the rest short (boredom or rushing), you will change the component of the workout and no longer be training the correct energy system that your 800m workouts are intended to train.  Key:  ‘ = minutes

4-8x 45 second runs @ 80-85% effort with a recovery of 3-5′ 

6-12x 200m @ 80% with a recovery of 3’ 

8-15x Long Hill sprint (80-120m) @ 80-85% effort with walk downhill recovery.

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